8 Things That Great Marriages Always Do - Part 2
Is Your Marriage Thriving?
You want an amazing marriage! And, that takes intentionality and effort. So, take look at these 8 things that people who have great marriages always do.
#3 Have Fun Together!
Are you living a boring marriage? Paying bills, house chores, shuttling kids around to activities (or changing diapers if they are younger)...the list goes on and on. Most couples find that over the years, there is a temptation to spend less time just having fun together and laughing or doing a hobby. That is just because life is so busy! But, it is really important that you have fun together. If all of your conversations revolve around kids or finances or work or other pressures on your life, it will hurt your relationship. Those things do need to be discussed, but there also needs to be outlets for fun and enjoyment together. One thing that can be really helpful is picking up a hobby to do together. Consider bike riding, golfing, reading a book out loud together, cooking, gardening, OR... a two person road trip! Make sure that you are laughing and smiling together on a regular basis, and you'll see the fruit of it in your marriage!
#4 Prioritize Your Relationship
How are you prioritizing your marriage? When you have a busy week or limited energy or time, where does you marriage fall in the pecking order? One danger to the health of a marriage is when other things (usually good things) crowd in and take too high of a priority. Is your spouse getting your best, or your leftovers? Being a great parent is super important. Having healthy relationships with other adult friends is great. Working hard is something to strive for. Having fun hobbies and outlets for your energy and creativity are really helpful in life. But, if kids, friends, work, hobbies or anything is causing your marriage to suffer, you need to reevaluate your priorities. So, what is the right priority place for your marriage? Well, in terms of all your human relationships, it should be at the top. Being the highest priority doesn't mean there isn't room for anything else, but it does mean that you need to make intentional choices. You need to structure your life so that your marriage gets your best energy, creativity, time and attention instead of your last. So, what are some changes you can make today that will help your give your marriage the priority it should have? Don't just read this, take some action today.
Mark & Amy - Founders
Married is Great Clothing Co.
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8 Things That Great Marriages Always Do - Part 1
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8 Things That Great Marriages Always Do - Part 3
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