Questions to Help Your Marriage Thrive
#1 On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your personal walk with the Lord?
#2 What are some measurable steps you can take each day and each week to increase this number?
#3 On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your spouse’s walk with the Lord?
#4 What are some measurable steps you can take to support your spouse in increasing this number?
#5 What things in your homeschooling or family life are helping you bring up your children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord?
#6 What things are making it harder for you to do this?
#7 On a scale of 1-10, how would you say you are doing prioritizing your marriage?
#8 What are three things you could change to prioritize your marriage better?
#9 What kind of picture is your marriage displaying to your children?
#10 What are 3 things you could do each week that would bless your spouse?
#11 What are 2 things that I would be blessed by if my spouse changed?
#12 What are 3 things you could do on a regular basis that would increase the spiritual connection you and your spouse have?
#13 What are some key topics you’d like to find articles or books about that you could read individually or together to encourage your marriage?
#14 What do you need to do or change to regularly get a date night with your spouse?
#15 Who are some people you could ask to babysit on a regular basis for date nights? This could be paid, volunteer, or finding families to swap watching children with.
#16 On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your depth of communication with your spouse?
#17 What are 3 things your spouse could do to help change and grow the depth of your communication?
#18 What are some things your spouse could do that would help your marriage grow?
#19 What are 10 things you are thankful for about your spouse that you don’t share with them very often?
#20 What practical steps could you and your spouse take to know how to pray for each other better, and to regularly pray for each other more?
#21 If you could go on a weekend getaway sometime in the next 6 months with your spouse, what would it look like?
#22 What does the perfect date night sound like to you?
#23 Wives, what are 5 things you respect about your husband?
#24 Husbands, what are 5 things you love about your wife?
#25 What are 3 ways you can grow the physical intimacy in your marriage?